Election '94 Homepage of election '94





Bratislava (capital) West-Slovakia Mid-Slovakia East-Slovakia
Number of registered voters 3 876 555 361 122 1 264 701 1 174 562 1 076 170
Number of voters obtaining envelopes 2 932 669 237 352 967 386 921 057 806 874
Rate of attendance in % 75.65 65.72 76.49 78.41 74.97
Number of delivered envelopes 2 923 265 236 771 965 239 917 238 804 017
Rate of delivered envelopes in % 99.67 99.75 99.77 99.58 99.64
Number of valid votes 2 875 458 233 945 950 976 903 343 787 194
Rate of valid votes in % 98.36 98.80 98.52 98.48 97.90