1st round
Summary results of voting by electoral districts, self-governing regions and for the SR
Number and share of representatives elected to regional corporations by political parties and independent candidates
Elected representatives
Number and share of valid votes given to candidates for presidents by self-governing regions
Structure of the regional corporation in self-governing region
Candidates not elected for representatives
Age structure of elected representatives and representation of men and women for the Slovak Republic - November 2005
Age structure of elected representatives by regions - November 2005
The most successful political parties and independent candidates by the share of elected representatives in SR
Voter turnout by electoral districts
Voter turnout by self-governing regions

2nd round
Summary results of voting by electoral districts, self-governing regions and for the SR
Number and share of valid votes given to candidates for presidents by self-governing regions
Summary results of voting in the election of president for the self-governing region by electoral districts
Voter turnout by electoral districts
Voter turnout by self-governing regions
Share of valid votes given to candidates for presidents by self-governing regions

Štatistický úrad SR Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizačný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie
Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision
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Copyright © Infostat 2005

Otázky a komentár - Comments send to: Informačný servis ŠÚ SR
Aktualizované - Modified : 27.11.2005