Structure of the regional corporation in Bratislava self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Trnava self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Trenèín self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Nitra self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Žilina self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Banská Bystrica self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Prešov self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Košice self-governing region

Structure of the regional corporation in Trenèín self-governing region

Electoral district, First name and surnameAbbreviation of political party or independent candidateNumber of valid votes
Bánovce nad Bebravou  
Peter BulíkANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS1 137
Ladislav KšiòanHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER1 162
Zuzana MáèekováANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS1 429
Marián BrídikANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS1 221
Pavol ÈiernikHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER1 656
Anna ChalupkováANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS1 242
Anton VankoHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER1 060
Mária ZimanováHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER1 263
Jaroslav FerianecANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS759
Henrich GašparíkHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER634
Nové Mesto nad Váhom  
Mária CagalováNEKA1 293
Anna HalinárováHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER1 450
Ivan SádovskýHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER1 343
Jozef TrstenskýANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS2 190
Viera VienerováANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS1 392
Jozef BožikANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS1 348
Mária HazuchováANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS1 153
Iveta RandziakováHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER1 175
Anton StankoHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER1 522
Považská Bystrica  
Miroslav AdameHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER1 815
Vladimír BaèíkHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER1 454
Pavol JurèíkANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS1 361
Amália OndièováANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS1 277
Viera ZboranováANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS1 354
Luboš BeòoDS,SDKÚ2 397
Vladimír BuzalkaHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER2 539
Vojtech ÈièmanecANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS2 933
Jaroslav IzákHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER2 608
Emil MendelANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS2 459
Michal MladýHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER3 136
Eleonóra PorubcováHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER3 526
Gabriel ŠimkoHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER3 085
Miroslav KubièárNEKA1 518
Marián MichalecNEKA2 372
¼uboš SavaraANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS1 266
Jozef HabánikANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS2 967
Mária HládekováANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS2 777
Magda KošútováHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER2 272
Anna KováèováHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER2 328
Ján KrátkyHZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER2 871
Pavol KrištofANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS2 280
Peter SikaANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS2 439
Stanislav SvatíkANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS2 804

Štatistický úrad SR Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizaèný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie
Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision
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Aktualizované - Modified : 27.11.2005