Number and share of valid votes given to candidates for presidents by self-governing regions |
Self-governing region, first name and surname | Abbreviation of the political party or independent candidate | Number of valid votes | Share in % from the number of valid votes given to all candidates | Note |
Bratislava region | ||||
Vladimír Bajan | NEKA | 37 623 | 67,39 | Candidate elected as president |
¼ubomír Roman | ANO,DS,SDKÚ,SMK-MKP,SZS | 18 198 | 32,60 | |
Trnava region | ||||
Tibor Mikuš | ¼B,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS | 22 698 | 54,74 | Candidate elected as president |
Jozef Klokner | DS,KDH,SDKÚ | 18 762 | 45,25 | |
Trenèín region | ||||
Pavol Sedláèek | ANO,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS | 17 561 | 51,83 | Candidate elected as president |
Miroslav Chovanec | HZD,KDH,SF,SNS,SMER | 16 318 | 48,16 | |
Nitra region | ||||
Milan Belica | ASV,KSS,¼B,¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS | 68 162 | 74,08 | Candidate elected as president |
Ján Greššo | DS,SDKÚ | 23 846 | 25,91 | |
Žilina region | ||||
Juraj Blanár | ANO,HZD,SNS,SMER | 25 181 | 51,37 | Candidate elected as president |
Jozef Tarèák | ¼S-HZDS,P SNS,ZSNS | 23 834 | 48,62 | |
Banská Bystrica region | ||||
Milan Murgaš | HZD,KDH,SNS,SMER,SZS | 28 086 | 50,88 | Candidate elected as president |
Jozef Mikuš | DS,SDKÚ | 27 105 | 49,11 | |
Prešov region | ||||
Peter Chudík | HZD,SNS,SMER | 40 952 | 53,03 | Candidate elected as president |
Dušan Hruška | DS,KDH,SDKÚ | 36 269 | 46,96 | |
Košice region | ||||
Zdenko Trebu¾a | HZD,SMER | 36 939 | 57,52 | Candidate elected as president |
Rudolf Bauer | KDH,OKS | 27 280 | 42,47 | |
Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizaèný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision |
Copyright © Infostat 2005 |
Otázky a komentár - Comments send to: Informaèný servis ŠÚ SR Aktualizované - Modified : 27.11.2005 |