Age structure of candidates for representatives by self-governing regions- November 2005

Self-governing region Number of candidates for representatives by age structure Average age Representation of candidates for representatives by age structure in %
total 18-24 25-34 35-54 55 and older total 18-24 25-34 35-54 55 and older
Bratislava region 399 19 56 213 111 47 14,08 0,67 1,98 7,52 3,92
Trnava region 202 2 16 130 54 48 7,13 0,07 0,56 4,59 1,91
Trenčín region 298 11 34 184 69 47 10,52 0,39 1,20 6,49 2,44
Nitra region 266 7 27 162 70 48 9,39 0,25 0,95 5,72 2,47
Žilina region 354 6 28 230 90 48 12,50 0,21 0,99 8,12 3,18
Banská Bystrica region 342 6 28 218 90 48 12,07 0,21 0,99 7,70 3,18
Prešov region 409 6 33 284 86 47 14,44 0,21 1,16 10,02 3,04
Košice region 563 3 50 371 139 48 19,87 0,11 1,76 13,10 4,91
In total 2 833 60 272 1 792 709 48 100,00 2,12 9,60 63,25 25,03

Štatistický úrad SR Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizačný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie
Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision
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Aktualizované - Modified : 4.11.2005

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