Summary Results of Elections by Districts and for the SR

DistrictNumber of municipalities, towns, town districts in the districtNumber of municipalities, towns, town districts with electedNumber of persons registered in electoral registersNumber of voters to whom envelopes were distributedVoter turnout in %Number of returned envelopesNumber of valid ballot papers in elections forNumber of deputies to be electedNumber of elected deputies
municipality, town, local councilmayor of municipality, town, town districtmunicipality, town, local councilmayor of municipality, town, town district
Bratislava171717378 650124 03932,75123 949114 466120 121391391
Malacky25252553 94925 37747,0325 36724 12224 826226226
Pezinok17171746 33822 91049,4422 90822 13922 465161161
Senec29292946 16825 25554,7025 25024 39324 581234234
Dunajská Streda67676693 58552 97856,6052 95850 53051 251513513
Galanta36353676 82435 95146,7935 94134 59534 818326324
Piešťany27272752 88324 11445,5924 10123 26823 489220220
Senica52525285 78339 37945,9039 37837 87537 813432432
Trnava696969139 65862 86045,0062 84759 89261 515564564
Bánovce nad Bebravou43424330 59615 07349,2615 06814 59814 533249248
Nové Mesto nad Váhom51515174 58637 10549,7437 09835 53835 975393393
Považská Bystrica49494987 51642 84148,9542 83040 98341 756372372
Prievidza757574152 46172 33047,4472 30369 44070 601624624
Trenčín585758140 74161 02943,3661 00158 54959 351480478
Komárno41414187 42146 79653,5246 77845 37145 785348348
Levice89898795 92951 15953,3351 14449 54050 251615615
Nitra959594167 22878 97447,2278 93476 02776 620742742
Nové Zámky39393994 01347 54350,5747 53345 70046 698346346
Šaľa13131343 84919 07543,5019 06718 16218 528139139
Štúrovo23232326 57115 95060,0215 92915 44715 536169169
Topoľčany54545460 13030 06149,9930 05429 05929 310384384
Čadca23232370 87335 99150,7835 97134 79635 326235235
Dolný Kubín24232430 26016 72555,2716 72216 18616 434176173
Liptovský Mikuláš56565659 92632 35453,9832 34230 95031 423374374
Martin69646492 10642 62446,2742 60640 93341 421465438
Námestovo39393965 67239 95860,8439 94438 49239 273352352
Ružomberok25252547 15723 91250,7023 89523 12323 462202202
Žilina797879176 05087 15249,5087 09783 83485 089655654
Banská Bystrica42404291 63737 35040,7537 34335 86636 546290288
Brezno30303051 28823 95146,6923 93923 00423 296248248
Lučenec79797976 74239 07550,9139 06437 61838 016528528
Rimavská Sobota14914814995 16754 26357,0154 24351 99752 829876875
Veľký Krtíš71717136 57222 02460,2222 01621 18621 462421421
Zvolen76767699 78044 14044,2344 13342 49142 917510510
Žiar nad Hronom68686773 67740 35054,7640 33738 68339 285479479
Bardejov86858457 39730 82953,7130 82829 67129 932518511
Humenné11811811890 68647 61852,5047 59845 93446 368706706
Kežmarok41414046 12624 89553,9724 88823 72724 299302302
Poprad626162103 99045 86344,1045 84343 75243 989454452
Prešov134133133164 65879 95148,5579 91976 03477 714929925
Stará Ľubovňa44434336 67519 55453,3119 54418 89018 952309301
Stropkov43424215 9318 76054,988 7558 3288 405233230
Svidník68686825 48815 17859,5415 17414 71114 781367367
Vranov nad Topľou68686857 64432 53256,4332 52831 46831 708453453
Košice222222195 36551 85826,5451 70748 15349 104307307
Košice - okolie11411411284 64248 02556,7348 01646 19346 241773773
Michalovce125125125103 47255 72653,8555 72053 97154 129808808
Rožňava62616248 31028 10758,1828 09827 17327 415410409
Spišská Nová Ves56565693 20745 55048,8645 53143 38844 152442442
Trebišov82818080 90346 88957,9546 87845 47145 584587586
SR in total2 9242 9042 9034 306 2802 052 00347,652 051 1171 965 7171 995 37521 33721 272
 of which:           
  towns and boroughs1751751752 443 766898 43336,76897 877854 769876 6183 0093 009
  municipalities2 7492 7292 7281 862 5141 153 57061,931 153 2401 110 9481 118 75718 32818 263

Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, December 2006
Modified: 3.12.2006