Referendum, 2010


Summary of voting results

Territorial district, Region, SR Number of electoral wards Number of returned records Number of eligible citizens Number of issued ballots Percentage of participation of eligible citizens Number of returned ballots Number of not returned ballots Number of valid ballots Number of non valid ballots
Bratislava district 210 210 379 145 110 813 29,22 110 706 107 110 318 388
Malacky district 41 41 56 623 13 460 23,77 13 453 7 13 369 84
Pezinok district 42 42 48 820 13 517 27,68 13 511 6 13 457 54
Senec district 46 46 52 403 15 848 30,24 15 843 5 15 747 96
Bratislava region 339 339 536 991 153 638 28,61 153 513 125 152 891 622
Dunajská Streda district 117 117 96 529 20 242 20,96 20 230 12 20 048 182
Galanta district 74 74 78 135 17 404 22,27 17 402 2 17 275 127
Piešťany district 50 50 53 540 13 433 25,08 13 429 4 13 373 56
Senica district 77 77 87 257 18 535 21,24 18 527 8 18 421 106
Trnava district 117 117 142 157 33 123 23,30 33 093 30 32 868 225
Trnava region 435 435 457 618 102 737 22,45 102 681 56 101 985 696
Bánovce nad Bebravou district 62 62 30 730 6 026 19,60 6 022 4 5 965 57
Nové Mesto nad Váhom district 92 92 74 955 15 901 21,21 15 893 8 15 790 103
Považská Bystrica district 121 121 88 856 17 915 20,16 17 912 3 17 776 136
Prievidza district 162 162 153 654 35 265 22,95 35 245 20 34 979 266
Trenčín district 150 150 143 281 32 417 22,62 32 396 21 32 192 204
Trenčín region 587 587 491 476 107 524 21,87 107 468 56 106 702 766
Komárno district 95 95 86 958 16 013 18,41 16 003 10 15 855 148
Levice district 140 140 96 018 23 092 24,04 23 086 6 22 936 150
Nitra district 166 166 168 974 35 292 20,88 35 273 19 35 026 247
Nové Zámky district 82 82 94 243 20 237 21,47 20 228 9 20 048 180
Šaľa district 29 29 43 967 9 244 21,02 9 232 12 9 177 55
Štúrovo district 35 35 26 267 5 883 22,39 5 880 3 5 834 46
Topoľčany district 73 73 60 910 11 872 19,49 11 866 6 11 796 70
Nitra region 620 620 577 337 121 633 21,06 121 568 65 120 672 896
Čadca district 69 69 72 076 10 891 15,11 10 884 7 10 814 70
Dolný Kubín district 42 42 30 956 9 105 29,41 9 101 4 9 038 63
Liptovský Mikuláš district 85 85 60 393 15 537 25,72 15 532 5 15 432 100
Martin district 116 116 93 229 24 846 26,65 24 841 5 24 682 159
Námestovo district 70 70 68 975 16 930 24,54 16 910 20 16 792 118
Ružomberok district 48 48 47 867 12 644 26,41 12 635 9 12 539 96
Žilina district 179 179 178 579 39 884 22,33 39 865 19 39 596 269
Žilina region 609 609 552 075 129 837 23,51 129 768 69 128 893 875
Banská Bystrica district 99 99 92 021 26 358 28,64 26 346 12 26 165 181
Brezno district 56 56 51 460 11 536 22,41 11 532 4 11 442 90
Lučenec district 113 113 76 708 14 843 19,35 14 841 2 14 703 138
Rimavská Sobota district 213 213 95 459 17 804 18,65 17 801 3 17 596 205
Veľký Krtíš district 80 80 36 567 7 505 20,52 7 504 1 7 392 112
Zvolen district 152 152 100 516 23 406 23,28 23 398 8 23 261 137
Žiar nad Hronom district 111 111 74 029 17 359 23,44 17 356 3 17 253 103
Banská Bystrica region 824 824 526 760 118 811 22,55 118 778 33 117 812 966
Bardejov district 116 116 58 698 12 706 21,64 12 706 0 12 589 117
Humenné district 165 165 91 361 14 932 16,34 14 930 2 14 805 125
Kežmarok district 64 64 48 306 10 295 21,31 10 291 4 10 194 97
Poprad district 112 112 106 026 25 842 24,37 25 826 16 25 673 153
Prešov district 194 194 169 804 42 969 25,30 42 576 393 42 298 278
Stará Ľubovňa district 58 58 38 299 7 334 19,14 7 334 0 7 281 53
Stropkov district 52 52 16 148 3 064 18,97 3 064 0 3 039 25
Svidník district 77 77 25 871 4 318 16,69 4 318 0 4 294 24
Vranov nad Topľou district 86 86 59 184 9 568 16,16 9 566 2 9 482 84
Prešov region 924 924 613 697 131 028 21,35 130 611 417 129 655 956
Košice district 124 124 194 895 51 278 26,31 51 218 60 51 005 213
Košice - okolie district 130 130 88 477 20 424 23,08 20 420 4 20 246 174
Michalovce district 178 178 104 255 16 647 15,96 16 645 2 16 516 129
Rožňava district 84 84 48 589 10 540 21,69 10 537 3 10 437 100
Spišská Nová Ves district 83 83 95 346 19 359 20,30 19 346 13 19 181 165
Trebišov district 123 123 82 037 14 686 17,90 14 682 4 14 540 142
Košice region 722 722 613 599 132 934 21,66 132 848 86 131 925 923
Slovak Republic 5 060 5 060 4 369 553 998 142 22,84 997 235 907 990 535 6 700

Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision
Institute of Informatics and Statistics

Comments send to: Information service
Modified: 19 September 2010