Final Results

Seats Won by Political Party

Select a chart segment or a political party

valid votes cast for the proceeding political parties

total seats for SR in EP (laid down in certain laws)

Republic Electoral Number (REN)

Allocation of Seats

Candidates Valid
Seats Allocated in Accordance
with the Division by REN
Reminder from Division of
Valid Votes by REN
Deducted Seats Seat Allocated in Accordance
with the Remainder from Division
Total Seats
No data available in the table
The terms are explained below.

In line with the Act on Conditions of the Exercise of Voting Rights and on amendments to certain laws as amended No 180/2014 Coll., Section 220a, the elected candidate of the political party with the least reminder from division by REN will not be seated in EP.


  • Data is displayed to 2 decimal places without rounding.
  • Political party – political party or coalition of political parties.
  • Party abbreviation – unofficial abbreviation for presentation on the website.
  • X - candidate has resigned or has been withdrawn in line with the Act on Conditions of the Exercise of Voting Rights and on amendments to certain laws as amended No 180/2014 Coll., Article 84.
  • Commune - commune, city or city district.
  • Electoral district – electoral districts are laid down in certain laws.
  • Files for download are available in xlsx and ods format.

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