Assignment of seats to political parties

Number of valid votes for political parties or coalitions which fulfilled the condition for assignment of seats in the EP
(i.e. obtained at least 5% of valid votes)
439 522
Number of seats for the SR in the EP (number set by law)
Republic Electoral Number (REN)
31 394

Political party
Number of candidates
Number of valid votes
Number of
seats assigned
to REN
from division
of valid votes
by REN
according to
the reminder
of valid votes
Seats assigned
according to
the reminder
of valid votes
Assigned seats
in total
NOVA, Konzervatívni demokrati Slovenska, Občianska konzervatívna strana1338 31616 922001
Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie1374 108211 320002
SMER - sociálna demokracia13135 08949 513004
MOST - HÍD1332 70811 314001
OBYČAJNÍ ĽUDIA a nezávislé osobnosti1341 829110 435001
Sloboda a Solidarita1337 37615 982001
Slovenská demokratická a kresťanská únia - Demokratická strana1343 467112 073012
Strana maďarskej komunity - Magyar Közösség Pártja1336 62915 235001
Total104439 5221262 7940113