Summary results of voting by electoral districts, self-governing regions and for the SR

Self-governing region, Electoral districtNumber of electoral wardsNumber of justified persons registered in electoral registerNumber of electors who obtained the envelopesVoter turnout in %Number of submitted envelopesShare of submitted envelopes in %Number of valid votes submitted for election to president
Bratislava region  527525 08156 31610,7256 29099,9555 821
Trnava region  523445 06541 9079,4141 88799,9541 460
Trenèín region  639483 49834 4347,1234 42699,9733 879
Nitra region  743572 58392 75416,1992 71599,9592 008
Žilina region  686538 16849 5109,1949 50399,9849 015
Banská Bystrica13291 06111 89213,0511 88999,9711 794
Banská Štiavnica2413 3451 1898,901 189100,001 179
Brezno6951 1774 6579,094 65599,954 609
Detva4726 5422 1628,142 162100,002 145
Krupina4817 4822 45714,052 45699,952 431
Luèenec9458 7614 7488,084 74799,974 699
Poltár3718 0911 81010,001 80999,941 780
Revúca6631 3012 5358,092 535100,002 502
Rimavská Sobota15063 6687 16511,257 165100,007 098
Ve¾ký Krtíš8536 4474 11111,274 10899,924 054
Zvolen7555 2187 76614,067 76599,987 701
Žarnovica3321 6011 9949,231 994100,001 966
Žiar nad Hronom5538 3703 2718,523 271100,003 233
Banská Bystrica region915523 06455 75710,6555 74599,9755 191
Prešov region  989592 97078 31613,2078 30299,9877 221
Košice region  830601 05765 04510,8265 02199,9664 219
In total for SR5 8524 281 486474 03911,07473 88999,96468 814

Štatistický úrad SR Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizaèný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie
Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision
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Aktualizované - Modified : 27.11.2005