Number and share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic by territorial districts and for the Slovak Republic

Total valid
votes for SR
Share of
valid votes
for SR in %
Total valid
votes for
towns and boroughs
Share of
valid votes
for towns and boroughs in %
Total valid
for municipalities
Share of
valid votes
for municipalities in %
Gyula BÁRDOS97 0355,1029 6992,7667 3368,15
Jozef BEHÝL9 1260,484 8310,444 2950,52
Ján ČARNOGURSKÝ12 2070,647 0330,655 1740,62
Robert FICO531 91928,00263 63524,55268 28432,49
Viliam FISCHER9 5140,504 8760,454 6380,56
Pavol HRUŠOVSKÝ63 2983,3327 8162,5935 4824,29
Ján JURIŠTA12 2090,646 9690,645 2400,63
Andrej KISKA455 99624,00276 32025,73179 67621,76
Milan KŇAŽKO244 40112,86176 18116,4068 2208,26
Stanislav MARTINČKO2 5470,131 2650,111 2820,15
Milan MELNÍK7 6780,404 2520,393 4260,41
Helena MEZENSKÁ45 1802,3725 3692,3619 8112,39
Radoslav PROCHÁZKA403 54821,24243 53222,68160 01619,38
Jozef ŠIMKO4 6740,241 9660,182 7080,32
Total1 899 332100,001 073 744100,00825 588100,00

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