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General information
Results of voting
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1st round
Summary voting results in the election of the president of the Slovak Republic by electoral districts and for the Slovak Republic
Summary voting results in the election of the president of the Slovak Republic by territorial districts and for the Slovak Republic
Summary voting results in the election of the president of the Slovak Republic by municipalities
Number and share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic by electoral districts
Number and share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic by territorial districts
Number and share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic by municipalities
Number and share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic for the Slovak Republic
Summary voting results in the election of the president of the Slovak Republic by electoral wards
Graphs and Cartograms
Number of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic
Share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic (from the number of valid votes for all candidates)
Share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic (from the number of eligible voters registered in the list)
Turnout of eligible voters in individual electoral districts
Share of valid votes for individual candidates by electoral districts
Candidates that polled the highest number of valid votes in individual electoral districts
2nd round
Summary voting results in the election of the president of the Slovak Republic by electoral districts and for the Slovak Republic
Summary voting results in the election of the president of the Slovak Republic by territorial districts and for the Slovak Republic
Summary voting results in the election of the president of the Slovak Republic by municipalities
Number and share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic by electoral districts
Number and share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic by territorial districts
Number and share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic by municipalities
Number and share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic for the Slovak Republic
Summary voting results in the election of the president of the Slovak Republic by electoral wards
Graphs and Cartograms
Number of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic
Share of valid votes for individual candidates for the president of the Slovak Republic (from the number of valid votes for all candidates)
Turnout of eligible voters in individual electoral districts
Share of valid votes for individual candidates by electoral districts
Candidates that polled the highest number of valid votes in individual electoral districts