General Information
The Chairman of the National Council of the Slovak Republic announced by his Decree No 203/2018 of 6th Jule 2018 the elections to the bodies of communal self-government.
The elections were held on 10th November 2018.
The elections were held in line with the Act No 180/2014 Coll. on Conditions of the Exercise of Voting Rights and on amendments to certain laws as amended.
Methodology Instruction for Processing of Results of the Elections to the bodies of communal self-government
In line with the Act on Conditions of the Exercise of Voting Rights and on amendments to certain laws as amended No 180/2014 Coll., Section 217 paragraph (2), the Methodology Instruction for Processing of Results of the Elections to the bodies of communal self-government is issued by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.
The instruction provides guidance for electoral commissions, expert summarisational units of electoral commissions, electoral districts and communes. This guidance is available in Slovak version only.
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