Territorial Division

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Region Code Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Region Name Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Electoral Districts Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Polling Districts Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Deputies to be Elected Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Elections Type Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie.
Explanatory notes
Electoral district – electoral districts are laid down in certain laws.
Commune - commune, city or city district.
Mayor - mayor of commune, city or city district.
Local government - commune, city or city district government.

Territorial Division for Cities Bratislava and Košice

City Code City Name Number of Electoral Wards Number of Polling Districts Number of Deputies to be Elected Elections Type
Explanatory notes
Mayor - mayor of commune, city or city district.
Local government - commune, city or city district government.