Summary results of voting by electoral districts, self-governing regions and for the SR

Electoral district, self-governing region Number of electoral wardsNumber of justified persons registered in electoral registerNumber of electors who obtained the envelopesVoter turnout in %Number of submitted envelopesShare of submitted envelopes in %Number of valid ballots for electionNumber of representatives to be electedNumber of elected representatives
of presidentto regional corporation
Bratislava I3839 5237 64619,347 64499,977 4937 44244
Bratislava II10198 19213 31113,5513 30499,9412 96812 82899
Bratislava III6156 0598 89115,868 88699,948 6698 56555
Bratislava IV7879 41011 98615,0911 98299,9611 72711 62588
Bratislava V107108 29514 13713,0514 12999,9413 87313 5151010
Malacky5053 4046 12111,466 12099,985 7655 94555
Pezinok4145 7596 51214,236 51199,986 2216 35155
Senec5144 8947 37316,427 37299,987 0707 19544
Bratislava region527525 53675 97714,4575 94899,9673 78673 4665050
Trnava region  523445 14064 56514,5064 53999,9561 35462 9794040
Trenèín region  639483 59959 51212,3059 48099,9455 77857 4624545
Nitra region  743572 536158 46727,67158 41699,96154 919154 7295252
Žilina region  686538 12184 45915,6984 43499,9780 04582 2675757
Banská Bystrica region  915523 08497 58118,6597 54099,9592 16695 0174949
Prešov region  989593 025115 51319,47115 45399,94106 515111 9656262
Košice region  830601 029115 87719,27115 82599,95107 984112 0345757
In total for SR5 8524 282 070771 95118,02771 63599,95732 547749 919412412

Štatistický úrad SR Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizaèný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie
Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision
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Aktualizované - Modified : 27.11.2005