Summary Results

Data last modified
0 Polling Districts
0 Approved Polling District Result1
0 % Approved Polling District Results
0 Registered Electors2
0 Voting Electors3
0 % Turnout
0 Votes Cast4
0 % Votes Cast5
Explanatory notes
1 Number of Approved Polling District Results.
2 Number of Electors in Electoral Registers.
3 Number of Electors who participated in Voting.
4 Number of Voters who returned their Envelope.
5 Share of Voters who returned their Envelope.

Turnout in Regions and Electoral Wards

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Source: SO SR

Number of Elected Deputies and Elected President

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Region Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Polling Districts Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. President Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Deputies to be Elected Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Elected Deputies Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie.
Explanatory notes
Electoral Ward – elections for the president, electoral ward is a whole self‑governing region; in elections for deputies, self‑governing region is divided into multiple electoral wards. The latter is applied in territorial division.

Number of Registered Electors and Turnout

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Region Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Polling Districts Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Submitted Polling District Results Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Registered Electors Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Voting Electors Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Turnout in % Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Votes Cast Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Share of Votes Cast in % Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Valid Ballot Papers Cast for President Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Valid Ballot Papers Cast for Government Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie.
Explanatory notes
Data is displayed to 2 decimal places without rounding.
Electoral Ward – elections for the president, electoral ward is a whole self‑governing region; in elections for deputies, self‑governing region is divided into multiple electoral wards. The latter is applied in territorial division.