Summary Results

Data last modified:
0 Turnout
0 Registered Electors
0 Voting Electors
0 0 % Approved Polling District Results
0 Polling Districts
Explanatory notes
Approved polling district results – number and share of approved polling district results
Registered electors – number of electors in electoral registers
Relative data – data displayed to 2 decimal places without rounding and the sum may not equal to 100
Voting electors – number of electors who participated in voting

Turnout in Territorial Districts and Communes

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In order to display each districts results please first select the required region.
Source: Statistical Office SR

Registered Electors and Turnout

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Region Number of Polling Districts Approved Polling District Results Share of Approved Polling District Results in % Registered Electors Voting Electors Turnout in %
Explanatory notes
Commune – commune, city or city district
Electoral district – electoral districts are laid down in certain laws
Relative data – data displayed to 2 decimal places without rounding and the sum may not equal to 100

Votes Cast

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Region Voting Electors Votes Cast Share of Votes Cast in % Overall Number of Votes Overall Share of Votes in %
Explanatory notes
Commune – commune, city or city district
Electoral district – electoral districts are laid down in certain laws
Relative data – data displayed to 2 decimal places without rounding and the sum may not equal to 100