Summary Results

Data last modified:
0 Turnout
0 Registered Electors1
0 Voting Electors2
0 % 0 Votes Cast in Person3
0 % 0 Mail Voters4
0   Polling Districts
0 % 0 Approved Polling District Results5
None of the eligable voters requested a specific type of voting in 13 out of 79 specific polling districts therefore no voting was held in these districts in line with Act No 395/2022 Coll., Section 4 paragraph (12). More information about specific polling districts.
Explanatory notes
1 Number of Electors in Electoral Registers.
2 Number of Electors who participated in Voting.
3 Share and Number of Voters who returned their Envelope pursuant to Section 24.
4 Share and Number of Electors who sent Return Envelope from Abroad.
5 Share and Number of Approved Polling District Results.
Data is displayed to 2 decimal places without rounding.

Turnout in Territorial Districts and Communes

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In order to display each districts results please first select the required region.

Source: SO SR

Number of Registered Electors and Turnout

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Region Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Polling Districts Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Approved Polling District Results Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Share of Approved Polling District Results in % Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Registered Electors Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Voting Electors Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Turnout in % Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie.
Explanatory notes
Data is displayed to 2 decimal places without rounding.
Electoral district – electoral districts are laid down in certain laws.
Commune – commune, city or city district.
Abroad – electors without permanent residence in the Slovak Republic registered in the special electoral register in line with the Act on Conditions of the Exercise of Voting Rights and on amendments to certain laws as amended No 180/2014 Coll., Section 45.

Votes Cast in Person and by Mail

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Region Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Voting Electors Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Votes Cast in Person Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Share of Votes Cast in Person in % Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Mail Voters Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Share of Mail Voters in % Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. All Ballot Papers Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Valid Ballot Papers Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie.
Explanatory notes
Data is displayed to 2 decimal places without rounding.
Electoral district – electoral districts are laid down in certain laws.
Commune – commune, city or city district.
Abroad – electors without permanent residence in the Slovak Republic registered in the special electoral register in line with the Act on Conditions of the Exercise of Voting Rights and on amendments to certain laws as amended No 180/2014 Coll., Section 45.
Mail voters – electors voting by mail.
All Ballot Papers - the sum of returned and sent ballot papers.