Structure of the regional corporation in Bratislava self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Trnava self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Trenèín self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Nitra self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Žilina self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Banská Bystrica self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Prešov self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Košice self-governing region

Structure of the regional corporation in Bratislava self-governing region

Electoral districtNumber of electoral wardsNumber of justified persons registered in electoral registerNumber of electors who obtained the envelopesVoter turnout in %Submitted envelopesNumber of valid votesNumber and share of valid votes given to candidates for president
Vladimír Bajan¼ubomír Roman
numbershare in %numbershare in %numbershare in %
Bratislava I3839 4535 92515,015 92399,965 8753 76664,102 10935,89
Bratislava II10198 11010 15010,3410 14499,9410 0586 85768,173 20131,82
Bratislava III6155 9646 79312,136 78999,946 7254 76170,791 96429,20
Bratislava IV7879 3639 09211,459 08499,919 0076 43971,482 56828,51
Bratislava V107108 21112 29811,3612 29399,9512 22510 05782,262 16817,73
Malacky5053 4263 8727,243 872100,003 8341 44737,742 38762,25
Pezinok4145 7014 1018,974 10099,974 0562 19454,091 86245,90
Senec5144 8534 0859,104 085100,004 0412 10252,011 93947,98
Bratislava region527525 08156 31610,7256 29099,9555 82137 62367,3918 19832,60

Štatistický úrad SR Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizaèný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie
Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision
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Aktualizované - Modified : 27.11.2005