Structure of the regional corporation in Bratislava self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Trnava self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Trenèín self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Nitra self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Žilina self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Banská Bystrica self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Prešov self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Košice self-governing region

Structure of the regional corporation in Košice self-governing region

Electoral districtNumber of electoral wardsNumber of justified persons registered in electoral registerNumber of electors who obtained the envelopesVoter turnout in %Submitted envelopesNumber of valid votesNumber and share of valid votes given to candidates for president
Rudolf BauerZdenko Trebu¾a
numbershare in %numbershare in %numbershare in %
Košice I5454 5037 60113,947 59399,897 5063 44745,924 05954,07
Košice II5864 6777 58511,727 58199,947 5003 46946,254 03153,74
Košice III2626 2832 4739,402 47299,952 4431 00941,301 43458,69
Košice IV5248 6656 24412,836 24399,986 1812 66943,183 51256,81
Košice - okolie14183 4348 52810,228 528100,008 4173 60842,864 80957,13
Gelnica3023 0782 2969,942 29599,952 26686838,301 39861,69
Michalovce12984 6207 7559,167 75399,977 6742 79636,434 87863,56
Rožòava8648 1024 6909,754 68899,954 6261 43330,973 19369,02
Sobrance5218 0132 76415,342 764100,002 73499036,211 74463,78
Spišská Nová Ves7869 3497 41410,697 414100,007 3013 46247,413 83952,58
Trebišov12480 3337 6959,577 69099,937 5713 52946,614 04253,38
Košice region830601 05765 04510,8265 02199,9664 21927 28042,4736 93957,52

Štatistický úrad SR Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizaèný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie
Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision
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Aktualizované - Modified : 27.11.2005