Structure of the regional corporation in Bratislava self-governing region |
Electoral district | Number of electoral wards | Number of justified persons registered in electoral register | Number of electors who obtained the envelopes | Voter turnout in % | Submitted envelopes | Number of valid votes | Number and share of valid votes given to candidates for president | ||||
Vladimír Bajan | ¼ubomír Roman | ||||||||||
number | share in % | number | share in % | number | share in % | ||||||
Bratislava I | 38 | 39 453 | 5 925 | 15,01 | 5 923 | 99,96 | 5 875 | 3 766 | 64,10 | 2 109 | 35,89 |
Bratislava II | 101 | 98 110 | 10 150 | 10,34 | 10 144 | 99,94 | 10 058 | 6 857 | 68,17 | 3 201 | 31,82 |
Bratislava III | 61 | 55 964 | 6 793 | 12,13 | 6 789 | 99,94 | 6 725 | 4 761 | 70,79 | 1 964 | 29,20 |
Bratislava IV | 78 | 79 363 | 9 092 | 11,45 | 9 084 | 99,91 | 9 007 | 6 439 | 71,48 | 2 568 | 28,51 |
Bratislava V | 107 | 108 211 | 12 298 | 11,36 | 12 293 | 99,95 | 12 225 | 10 057 | 82,26 | 2 168 | 17,73 |
Malacky | 50 | 53 426 | 3 872 | 7,24 | 3 872 | 100,00 | 3 834 | 1 447 | 37,74 | 2 387 | 62,25 |
Pezinok | 41 | 45 701 | 4 101 | 8,97 | 4 100 | 99,97 | 4 056 | 2 194 | 54,09 | 1 862 | 45,90 |
Senec | 51 | 44 853 | 4 085 | 9,10 | 4 085 | 100,00 | 4 041 | 2 102 | 52,01 | 1 939 | 47,98 |
Bratislava region | 527 | 525 081 | 56 316 | 10,72 | 56 290 | 99,95 | 55 821 | 37 623 | 67,39 | 18 198 | 32,60 |
Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizaèný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision |
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