Structure of the regional corporation in Žilina self-governing region |
Electoral district | Number of electoral wards | Number of justified persons registered in electoral register | Number of electors who obtained the envelopes | Voter turnout in % | Submitted envelopes | Number of valid votes | Number and share of valid votes given to candidates for president | ||||
Juraj Blanár | Jozef Tarèák | ||||||||||
number | share in % | number | share in % | number | share in % | ||||||
Bytèa | 31 | 23 367 | 1 325 | 5,67 | 1 325 | 100,00 | 1 307 | 818 | 62,58 | 489 | 37,41 |
Èadca | 77 | 70 448 | 5 385 | 7,64 | 5 383 | 99,96 | 5 324 | 3 894 | 73,14 | 1 430 | 26,85 |
Dolný Kubín | 41 | 30 040 | 3 111 | 10,35 | 3 110 | 99,96 | 3 082 | 1 035 | 33,58 | 2 047 | 66,41 |
Kysucké Nové Mesto | 27 | 25 919 | 2 586 | 9,97 | 2 585 | 99,96 | 2 559 | 1 523 | 59,51 | 1 036 | 40,48 |
Liptovský Mikuláš | 92 | 59 460 | 3 962 | 6,66 | 3 962 | 100,00 | 3 914 | 2 666 | 68,11 | 1 248 | 31,88 |
Martin | 101 | 78 397 | 5 428 | 6,92 | 5 427 | 99,98 | 5 359 | 3 577 | 66,74 | 1 782 | 33,25 |
Námestovo | 37 | 39 078 | 8 728 | 22,33 | 8 727 | 99,98 | 8 681 | 344 | 3,96 | 8 337 | 96,03 |
Ružomberok | 59 | 47 030 | 2 757 | 5,86 | 2 756 | 99,96 | 2 702 | 1 292 | 47,81 | 1 410 | 52,18 |
Turèianske Teplice | 32 | 13 454 | 1 409 | 10,47 | 1 409 | 100,00 | 1 390 | 842 | 60,57 | 548 | 39,42 |
Tvrdošín | 30 | 25 681 | 3 332 | 12,97 | 3 332 | 100,00 | 3 315 | 1 099 | 33,15 | 2 216 | 66,84 |
Žilina | 159 | 125 294 | 11 487 | 9,16 | 11 487 | 100,00 | 11 382 | 8 091 | 71,08 | 3 291 | 28,91 |
Žilina region | 686 | 538 168 | 49 510 | 9,19 | 49 503 | 99,98 | 49 015 | 25 181 | 51,37 | 23 834 | 48,62 |
Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizaèný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision |
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