Structure of the regional corporation in Bratislava self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Trnava self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Trenèín self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Nitra self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Žilina self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Banská Bystrica self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Prešov self-governing region
Structure of the regional corporation in Košice self-governing region

Structure of the regional corporation in Prešov self-governing region

Electoral districtNumber of electoral wardsNumber of justified persons registered in electoral registerNumber of electors who obtained the envelopesVoter turnout in %Submitted envelopesNumber of valid votesNumber and share of valid votes given to candidates for president
Dušan HruškaPeter Chudík
numbershare in %numbershare in %numbershare in %
Bardejov11556 9748 91415,648 91399,988 7854 04346,024 74253,97
Humenné8850 4495 59011,085 58999,985 5442 22440,113 32059,88
Kežmarok6345 3754 66310,274 66299,974 5692 82661,851 74338,14
Levoèa4423 5472 45010,402 44899,912 4241 20349,621 22150,37
Medzilaborce309 6881 87119,311 871100,001 84535319,131 49280,86
Poprad8979 6616 1957,776 195100,006 1253 08250,313 04349,68
Prešov175124 18919 59715,7719 59299,9719 35711 15457,628 20342,37
Sabinov5838 4975 93215,405 932100,005 8492 13136,433 71863,56
Snina4629 9712 8249,422 824100,002 78994733,951 84266,04
Stará ¼ubovòa6136 3764 39312,074 393100,004 3491 54535,522 80464,47
Stropkov5215 8052 68717,002 687100,002 6471 15843,741 48956,25
Svidník7725 3105 51521,785 51199,925 4621 59029,113 87270,88
Vranov nad Top¾ou9157 1287 68513,457 685100,007 4764 01353,673 46346,32
Prešov region989592 97078 31613,2078 30299,9877 22136 26946,9640 95253,03

Štatistický úrad SR Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizaèný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie
Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision
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Aktualizované - Modified : 27.11.2005