Structure of the regional corporation in Nitra self-governing region |
Electoral district | Number of electoral wards | Number of justified persons registered in electoral register | Number of electors who obtained the envelopes | Voter turnout in % | Submitted envelopes | Number of valid votes | Number and share of valid votes given to candidates for president | ||||
Milan Belica | Ján Greššo | ||||||||||
number | share in % | number | share in % | number | share in % | ||||||
Komárno | 104 | 87 146 | 5 948 | 6,82 | 5 946 | 99,96 | 5 855 | 2 972 | 50,76 | 2 883 | 49,23 |
Levice | 157 | 95 702 | 13 584 | 14,19 | 13 581 | 99,97 | 13 499 | 9 111 | 67,49 | 4 388 | 32,50 |
Nitra | 165 | 131 778 | 30 983 | 23,51 | 30 971 | 99,96 | 30 763 | 23 383 | 76,01 | 7 380 | 23,98 |
Nové Zámky | 142 | 120 250 | 16 749 | 13,92 | 16 744 | 99,97 | 16 580 | 11 312 | 68,22 | 5 268 | 31,77 |
Ša¾a | 42 | 43 554 | 4 018 | 9,22 | 4 018 | 100,00 | 3 983 | 2 310 | 57,99 | 1 673 | 42,00 |
Topo¾èany | 87 | 60 038 | 11 661 | 19,42 | 11 644 | 99,85 | 11 572 | 10 204 | 88,17 | 1 368 | 11,82 |
Zlaté Moravce | 46 | 34 115 | 9 811 | 28,75 | 9 811 | 100,00 | 9 756 | 8 870 | 90,91 | 886 | 9,08 |
Nitra region | 743 | 572 583 | 92 754 | 16,19 | 92 715 | 99,95 | 92 008 | 68 162 | 74,08 | 23 846 | 25,91 |
Dáta spracoval: Odborný (sumarizaèný) útvar Ústrednej volebnej komisie Processed by: Expert (summarisational) unit of the Central Election Commision |
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