Summary Results

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Number of Elected Deputies and Mayors

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Electoral District Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Communes where Elections were held Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Communes with Elected Government Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Communes with Elected Mayor Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Deputies to be Elected Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Elected Deputies Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie.
Explanatory notes
Commune – commune, city or city district
Electoral district – electoral districts are laid down in certain laws
Local government – commune, city or city district government
Mayor – mayor of commune, city or city district
NEKA – independent candidate
Political party – political party or coalition of political parties or independent candidate
* – mayor not elected
- – no mayoral election

Number of Registered Electors and Turnout

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Electoral District Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Communes where Elections were held Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Registered Electors Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Voting Electors Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Turnout in % Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Votes Cast Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Share of Votes Cast in % Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Valid Ballot Papers Cast for Government Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Valid Ballot Papers Cast for Mayor Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie.
Explanatory notes
Commune – commune, city or city district
Electoral district – electoral districts are laid down in certain laws
Local government – commune, city or city district government
Mayor – mayor of commune, city or city district
Registered electors – number of electors in electoral registers
Relative data – data displayed to 2 decimal places without rounding
Share of votes cast – share of voters who returned their envelope
Votes cast – number of voters who returned their envelope
Voting electors – number of electors who participated in voting

Number and Share of Elected Mayors and Deputies by Political Parties

Political Party Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Number of Mayors Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie. Share of Mayors in % Nezoradený stĺpec - použije vzostupné zoradenie.
Explanatory notes
Mayor – mayor of commune, city or city district
NEKA – independent candidate
Political party – political party or coalition of political parties or independent candidate
Relative data – data displayed to 2 decimal places without rounding
Upozornenie Final results will be available after the approval of the national results.