The Chairman of the National Council of the Slovak Republic announced by his Decree No. 1/2009 of 8 January 2009 the elections of the President of the Slovak Republic.
The election will be held on Sunday 21 March 2009. If none of the candidate obtains absolute majority of votes of entitled voters,
Sunday 4 April 2009 is predetermined to the second round of election of the President of the Slovak Republic.
The election will be held according to the
Act Nr. 46/1999 Coll. on the way of election of the President of the Slovak Republic,
on referendum on his appeal and on supplementation of other amended acts.
List of candidates for the president, 1st round
1.BOLLOVÁ Dagmara, PaedDr., 66 r., university pedagogue, Senica
2.GAŠPAROVIČ Ivan, doc. JUDr., CSc., 67 r., university teacher, Bratislava
3.MARTINÁKOVÁ Zuzana, 47 r., journalist, Bratislava
4.MELNÍK Milan, prof. RNDr., DrSc., 70 r., university professor, Bratislava
5.MIKLOŠKO František, RNDr., 61 r., member of National Council, Bratislava
6.RADIČOVÁ Iveta, prof. PhDr., PhD., 52 r., sociologist, Nová Dedinka
7.SIDOR Milan, PhDr., CSc., 58 r., university pedagogue, Prešov
List of candidates for the president, 2nd round
1.GAŠPAROVIČ Ivan, doc. JUDr., CSc., 67 r., university teacher, Bratislava
2.RADIČOVÁ Iveta, prof. PhDr., PhD., 52 r., sociologist, Nová Dedinka